FTP, which is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol, is one of the most widely used methods of transmitting files between a PC and a web server. Using FTP client software like FileZilla, you can establish a connection to your hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software itself will deal with all the rest. There are a number of pluses of employing FTP, among them the ability to restart a download/upload in case there’s a problem with the connection and the option to use different FTP accounts. Thanks to the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can connect only to specific folders in your web hosting account, but no other folders, email accounts or any other information, which makes it the very best solution particularly in case you need to give a web designer access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with famous applications such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the websites that you’ve created directly from them, without having to make use of any 3rd-party software.
FTP Accounts in Shared Web Hosting
Each of the shared web hosting plans that we are offering will enable you to create unlimited FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to administer the content of your websites independently or to grant other people access to any Internet site in your web hosting account. In case you have a web design software application pre-installed on your home PC, you will be able to administer multiple Internet sites at once and to update them without effort. If you provide the login details to another person for a certain task, you will be able to edit the password for that FTP account or to remove it entirely with only a few clicks of the mouse and prevent any chance of unauthorized access to your content in the future. For convenience’s sake, all FTP accounts that you set up will be displayed alphabetically in the respective section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated packages are pretty powerful, which makes them suitable for hosting a lot of websites. Speaking of which, we have chosen not to put a limitation on the number of FTP accounts that you can set up, so you can have a different account for each site that you host on our cloud platform. All FTP accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the respective section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each semi-dedicated account. For each of them, you will be able to see the access path and to update it, if needed. In addition, you can set up a new account in an FTP client of your liking by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your computer system, which will save you time. If you have never opened a hosting account before, you can check our elaborate how-to videos, which can be accessed through the same section of the Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in VPS Web Hosting
With a virtual private server from our company, you will be provided with the possibility to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts to connect to your web content. This is valid for all virtual server packages, irrespective of the hosting Control Panel that you have picked during the order procedure – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel. Based on your necessities, you can create a different FTP account for every Internet site or several FTP accounts with access to a certain folder – in case you wish to permit different persons to access that folder with their very own login details. Even if you’ve never opened a web hosting account previously or in case you’ve only had a shared one, you will not have any problem creating, deleting or editing any FTP account on the VPS server, as everything is done via a user-friendly interface and takes just a few clicks of the mouse.